A Weekly Journey into the Soul of Torah
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with the leading organization in Adult Jewish Education Courses - The Jewish Learning Institute - to now offer weekly classes on Kauai.
Imagine a Weekly Dose of Jewish wisdom, from the comfort of your own home! (Zoom)
Full Schedule, Topics and Dates below
TORAH STUDIES is a weekly text-based class, taking timeless teachings of the Torah and applying them to relevant timely issues. No prior Torah knowledge necessary. No question is off-limits. Comfortable environment.
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:00pm - now offered virtually on Zoom!
(or, in-person at the Jewish Center)
(This Semester: October 7 - December 22, 2021. Note: Each class is an independent, new topic)
Try one class Free.
ZOOM - register to receive link.
COST: Weekly Class is $10. (Semester #1 has 12 classes)
Student Book is $20. Each class has a powerpoint slideshow accompanying it. But having the book is way better, more immersive and easier to review.
> Full Semester Discount (includes Student Book) = $80 (that's a $40 discount)
Sign Up Here for Full Semester or Individual Class
NOTE: First Class is Complimentary - if you've never been and would like to give it a try!
To view/Download a PDF of the Class themes/Topics for this Semester, Click here.
You can save or/and print this on your home computer/printer.
This is a joint project, in collaboration with the Jewish Learning Institute, the world's leading adult Jewish education provider.
Made possible through the generosity of Yossi Solove and Rina Solove-Gordon
To Visit the Torah Studies website, click HERE.
Watch this video , where Kauai resident, Susan Storm, shares her Torah Studies experience.
Below is this Semester's Topics and Schedule: