Updated Dec. 2017 - Tevet 5778
We just signed a lease on a commercial space for use as the "Kauai Jewish Center".
Our new address is: 4531 Pouli Road, in Wailua (click for Map)
(It's technically in the Kapa'a Zip-Code. If you facing Foodland in Waipouli-Kapa'a, this is to your left, between the phone repair shop and the gym).
We recently moved from Princeville to Wailua, in order to be more central to the island-wide community, and better serve its needs.
For visitors wishing to join us for Shabbat (or Holiday) meals (or Minyans) there are many hotels, condos etc. in walking distance to our home.
From the Hilton Garden Inn (on the Wailua River) to the Courtyard Marriot (just South of Kapa'a Foodland/Safeway) in Waipouli, and in between (Kapa'a Sands, Kauai Shores, Lae Nani, Lanikai, and several others in the Wailua-Waipouli area.
Our home (for Shabbat meals) is approx. 1 mile up Haleilio Road, towards the Sleeping Giant mountain. So, it's approximately a 20-30 minute walk (depending on the hotel you choose).
We welcome guests at our Shabbat Table (both night and day) and ask visitors to reserve beforehand - please call or text Michoel (808-647-4293) or Zisel (347-254-1402).
Looking forward to celebrating together, and soon to share the good news of a more permanent location for our island community.
Rabbi Michoel and Zisel Goldman